Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day2: International Local Food Tour

Sorry for the Long Delay Between Posts. Blogging defiantly takes a fierce dedication... so many props to those that are able to do it with regularity.

Day 2:

Day 2 starts with Mag letting us sleep in. Thanks! Over our breakfast of Bread, Local Jams and Coffee we realize that this Day holds much Promise: Observing Goatsbridge in action, everyone in our group (except Barry and I) heading to Waterford, Barry and I heading up to the Ashtown Food Research Centre, and awaiting us when we return home is a lovely Chicken Curry.

From the brief tour of Goatsbridge the previous day, the similarities between Goatsbridge and Sunburst were easily seen and felt. Here I was in another country, on another continent, and I felt as if I was back home. The sounds of the Tractor (same color as ours), sounds of the crystal clear water flowing through the farm, the hand harvesting and even down to the ice being scooped, I was home. I tried hard to be an unobtrusive observer. The Hand Harvesting technique differs slightly from our methods, but they are both back breaking methods and much respect is given to those that do it.

I was pulled away from my observing to ride with Mag and Barry to meet with Jon Fagan, Seafood Technologist with the Irish Sea Fisheries Board. Since Mag is the Irish Sal then John Fagen is the Irish Barry Nash. On the way to Ashtown Mag is taking orders over the phone, coordinating things for Savour Kilkenny and Carrying on a conversation with Barry and I. SOOOO Sal. We picked up a sandwich and a bag of crisps (my first intro to Tayto Brand). The selection of Salami was vast to say the least, I finally selted on an herb crusted salami with Swiss.

Sandwiches in hand we invade the Ashtown Food Research Centre, hungry for our food and hungry to share knowledge. John is a very accommodating host, he made sure we had everything we needed to enjoy our lunch, including Hot Coffee. After we ate, John gave us a tour of the facility. This is an impressive facility that combines work space for academia, government and private entities. The facility holds research space, conference space and kitchen incubator space. After the tour its time to get down to business. The main reason I am here....To work with Mag on a value added product! Through much improvising I am able to produce a product for Mag that I am sure will delight fans of Goatsbridge Premium Irish in the very near future!

After a long day we return home for a hot meal of Chicken Curry. MMMMMMM. Joining us for dinner is Jackie Moyne, owner of The Blackberry Cafe in Thomastown. Along with Goatsbridge The Blackberry Cafe is listed in the Bridgstone Irish Food Guide. Jackie and her Husband, also at dinner, are playing host to Barry Nash. I am tired, happy, and enjoy a chilled Baily's before heading off to Bed.

Day 3: Food, Food, and Food