Monday, June 21, 2010

Be careful what you wish for...

For 25 years, I have wished for success for Sunburst Trout Company. It has been slow in coming...numerous trials and tribulations, setbacks, hurdles...but here we are...working 70+ hours a week, cutting 7000 pounds of trout a week, employing 22 of the best people in the world, and selling to over 400 chefs around the country, not to mention some of the most upscale grocery stores in the US.

I envisioned a sustainable, artisanal, consistent product. I envisioned a product for which chefs would yearn - a product which would deliver on all levels. Today, I think we are doing those things. But we can't be complacent. Happily, the whole Sunburst crew is committed to perpetuating and sustaining "the vision". Thanks to you all who have helped us in this process.

1 comment:

  1. I love your first post! Being busy is a blessing, and thank you for all you do to make all our lives better.
